
Increase your traffic and boost your sales with specific retargeting campaigns! 


Chat for 15 minutes with one of our experts and define the distribution channels best suited to your e-commerce strategy.

BeezUP is the product feed manager that allows you to automate and simplify the management of your retargeting campaigns through platforms like Criteo.

"Let’s discuss about your project!"
 Élise, Customer success manager at BeezUP


Optimise your product flows, automate the distribution of your campaigns and sharpen your retargeting campaigns in just a few clicks!

Do it Yourself

Optimise and automate the management of your product feeds by yourself from a single platform

Data optimisation

Integrate, structure and enrich your product catalogues on each retargeting network and platform

ROI strategy

Compare your performances and turn your targets into results by distributing your offers wherever your customers are!


Accelerate your growth and strengthen your presence in new international markets in just a few clicks


Manage your multichannel strategy, boost your conversions, your website traffic and your sales!

Team of e-commerce experts

Benefit from onboarding, regular monitoring and free and personalised training on the BeezUP platform

Like, join the 2000 international stores putting their trust in BeezUP!

“The breadth of the customer acquisition network and the tool's simplicity are vital for the indexing of our product catalogues. BeezUP's partner network is one of the biggest in the market.”
Laurent Crépin, CEO of

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BeezUP, LE gestionnaire de flux e-commerce

BeezUP is THE smart e-commerce data feed management solution for e-merchants. It responds to their challenges of profitability, automation and digital internationalization. With BeezUP solution, it is possible to manage, centralize and automate their product flows on different acquisition channels, from a single platform: marketplaces, price comparisons sites, affiliation, retargeting, product Ads… BeezUP it’s also 23 employees in Paris and Bordeaux, and nearly 2,000 international stores! 

BeezUP (RCS Paris n°514 206 291) - 10 rue de Penthièvre 75008 Paris - Tel : +33 (0)1 83 62 47 65

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