

Sponsoring tools to boost your sales on
eBay marketplace

eBay marketplace promotional levers | BeezUP

Take advantage of eBay's product ads tools

The eBay marketplace has several promotional tools with which merchants can increase their visibility.
How can you take advantage of these tools to boost your sales?

In this handy factsheet, we've put together all our tips and benefits for each advertising lever 👇

 eBay shops
 Standard sponsored ads
Express sponsored ads

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BeezUP is THE smart e-commerce data feed management solution for e-merchants. It responds to their challenges of profitability, automation and digital internationalization. With BeezUP solution, it is possible to manage, centralize and automate their product flows on different acquisition channels, from a single platform: marketplaces, price comparisons sites, affiliation, retargeting, product Ads… BeezUP it’s also 23 employees in Paris and Bordeaux, and nearly 2,000 international stores! 

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